The newest friar at this monastery is the most adorable. A Franciscan monastery in Bolivia adopted this pup named Carmelo, but they nicknamed Friar Bigoton, which means mustache. The order teaches the ways of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals and he is apparently very loved by his new brothers. They reportedly said he loves running around his new home and preaching to the fish. He's even grown accustomed to his robes.
Monastery Makes New Dog An Honorary Friar To Encourage More Pet Adoptions
The newest friar at this monastery is the most adorable. A Franciscan monastery in Bolivia adopted this pup named Carmelo, but they nicknamed Friar Bigoton, which means mustache. The order teaches the ways of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals and he is apparently very loved by his new brothers. They reportedly said he loves running around his new home and preaching to the fish. He's even grown accustomed to his robes.
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