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Alt-Right Thinks Anti-Blackface Trailer Is "White Genocide"

Alt-Right Thinks Anti-Blackface Trailer Is "White Genocide" Racists think everything is an existential threat to white people. Ben Mankiewicz, Hannah Cranston,

Racists think everything is an existential threat to white people. Ben Mankiewicz, Hannah Cranston, Brett Erlich, and Aida Rodriguez, hosts of The Young Turks, discuss. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

"The trailer for Netflix̢۪s upcoming series Dear White People has struck a chord with white supremacists. Many are now canceling their service and using the Twitter hashtag to publicize it.

On Wednesday, Netflix dropped the first look at the show based on the 2014 movie of the same name. It didn̢۪t take long for people to start protesting with their wallets.

Why all the fury? Well, Dear White People follows black college student Sam White, who hosts a radio show about being a minority while attending a largely white university. The show’s trailer teases White’s broadcast about acceptable Halloween costumes which include pirates and â€Å“slutty nurses.” As for unacceptable: dressing up in black face.

Soon after the trailer was released, the bemoaning began on Twitter. Members of the self-proclaimed â€Å“alt-right,” otherwise known as white supremacists, were concerned about white people’s portrayal in the show. They quickly organized and spoke out in opposition of the â€Å“anti-white show” that â€Å“promotes white genocide.”

Well-known Donald Trump supporter and Twitter personality @bakedalaska tweeted out a screenshot of his cancellation message. It quickly took on the whiter parts of the internet.”*

Read more here:

Hosts: Ben Mankiewicz, Hannah Cranston, Brett Erlich, Aida Rodriguez
Cast: Ben Mankiewicz, Hannah Cranston, Brett Erlich, Aida Rodriguez


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Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary)

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